
Strategic Advice

Government Relations

Public Affairs
Strategic Advice
Are you in need of trusted counsel to develop your strategy for engaging government, businesses, or
other partners to advance your objectives?
Engaging Government
We will provide strategic advice to best position you to harness the might of government and navigate roadblocks to achieve mutually beneficial objectives.
Example: Strategic planning and advice to navigate government and bureaucracy.
We facilitate high-impact collaborations to take your business to the next level by identifying and connecting you with suitable business partners and advising on mutually beneficial partnerships to advance your interests.
Example: Matching services and advice on partnerships etc.
Alliance and Coalition Building
There is strength in numbers, especially in synergistic relationships that leverage collective strength. We advise on strategic alliances and coalitions that will amplify your impact and propel your mission forward.
Example: Landowners’ groups, industry groups, advocacy campaigns, etc.
Government Relations
Do you need an advocate to navigate and engage the right decision-makers and civil servants including municipal, provincial, and federal governments and agencies, boards, and commissions?
Government Engagement & Lobbying
We provide two-pronged engagement to both decision-makers and civil service implementers. Our job is ensuring that you, your priorities and perspectives are known and advocate on your behalf to show how your work contributes to the greater good. We will craft government relations strategies and follow through - execution is everything.
Examples: Navigating permitting and approvals processes, etc.
Policy, Regulation and Legislation
We ensure you understand current and emerging policy, regulation, and legislation. We will distill the facts, provide analysis on impacts to your organization and provide recommendations to address challenges and opportunities. We will engage policymakers and regulators in multiple forms and advance your interests.
Examples: Policy, regulatory and legislative development.
Government Incentives, Resources and Supports
Gain a clear line of sight on financial and non-financial supports government can offer. We can help navigate processes and craft proposals to ensure your organization stands out and your contributions to the greater good are identified and understood.
Examples: Infrastructure funding and government grants, loans, tax credits and support services.
Public Affairs
Do you need strategic communications and engagement support to craft compelling narratives, manage issues and collaborate with the public, key stakeholders and Indigenous peoples?
Communications & Issue Management
We craft effective communications strategies and support product development to enhance transparency, build trust and mitigate risks. Strong reputation management will propel your project forward with confidence.
Examples: Communications strategy, product development for presentations, proposals, and outward-facing engagement materials, etc.
Community Engagement
Effective and respectful engagement with the public, stakeholders and Indigenous peoples is essential to build relationships, create alignment and mitigate risks. We craft engagement strategies and support relationship building.
Examples: Engagement strategies and ongoing relationship building support.
Advocacy Campaigns
Drive change and shape public opinion with tailored multi-channel advocacy campaigns. We specialize in major project advocacy and coordinate with third parties to design and execute strategies to amplify your project’s benefits and reach target audiences.
Examples: Political advocacy campaigns focused on major real estate, infrastructure or job creation projects.